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wise up造句

"wise up"是什么意思  
  • You can wise up on details by reading the newspaper .
  • Wise up . it ' s vegas . the house aiways wins
  • - did he really like men ? - wise up , you asshole
    -他真的喜欢男人? -放聪明点,蠢货!
  • Did he really like men ? - wise up , you asshole
    他真的喜欢男人? -放聪明点,蠢货!
  • Life demands that he wises up
  • When are you going to wise up
  • God , will you ever wise up
  • Well , wise up , pupchik
  • Hey ! wise up
  • In the moment before the tubes warmed up , evey had tiem to say , “ wise up , freddy . what shall we do
    在电子管预热前一会,埃维还赶得及说, “明白点事吧,佛雷德。我们以后该怎么办? ”
  • It's difficult to see wise up in a sentence. 用wise up造句挺难的
  • " our chat - up lines show budding english - speaking romeos how to impress the girl of their dreams whatever country she is from , but it also allows british women to wise up to the charms and cheeky ways of foreign suitors , " said stevenson
    受到口袋书籍这一时尚潮流的启发, chambers harrap在10大情话手册列出了最具诱惑力的10大时尚情话,并将其由英文翻译成共6国语言。
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